November 13 , 2017 weddings

How much does a wedding?

This is the question, often hear, whether or straightforwardly case of future newlyweds. Like most, you know, and all who have gone down this path J certainly this is very relative, but we will try to give you a real landmark.

However you must know, that the cost is similar whether you attempt to handle or hire professionals in the industry, the only certainty is that we will be far easier, and sometimes cheaper. Prices are average for the country and naturally set in the range of up to, as the quality determines the price.

  1. Dinner in the restaurant of 25 to 90 Levs.
    Prices for dinner at a restaurant in Plovdiv vary between 25 to 90 Levs. This price may enter or not to enter service, as decoration(included in the cover, a wedding cake, alcohol, appetizers and other).
  2. A wedding cake
    In some restaurants wedding cake is included in the price of the cover. If not included, you can order it by the agency or your choice, and prices vary between 3 to 6 lev apiece, depending on taste and decoration. for 100 Human average 300 to 600 Levs.
  3. Wedding decoration

Wedding decoration of flowers and decorations for restaurant
The main difference in the decoration of the restaurant is if you use live or artificial flowers. Popular prices 100 guests: from 600-800 to 3000 Levs.

from 600 to 800 lev worth a nice decoration of wedding table cloths and veils, accents, number plate at the table of guests, covers and ribbons on chairs. At the price of 300 to 1000 lev is decorated with artificial flowers. Wedding decorations from natural flowers 400 to 1500+ Levs, of course with proper vision and depending on the amount you can reach and 5 -figure decoration complete.

Partial or complete dressing room celebration with prices beginning and often greatly exceeding 1500 + Levs, depending on the size of the room, and the possible use of professional lighting.

  1. Decorations carried ritual (Popular prices 100 lev to 300 Levs)
    Includes a decorated archway, table, path, rack, chairs, candlesticks, cocktail table type, etc.. Prices range from 200 to 1000 Levs. Depending on the type and size of the arch, decoration, whether there will be flowers and what will be, how many stands or not, etc..
  2. bridal bouquet

Average prices range from 60 to 150 Levs, naturally and here the price is determined by the type of flowers and their quantity.

  1. Boutonnieres / bracelets

Prices depend on whether boutonnieres will be made or has natural flowers. Prices range from 1 to 10 Levs. Most often Decorating: groom, godmother, godmother, parents, brothers and sisters, grandmas and grandpas, Schafer and shaferki.

  1. Wedding accessories: cups, champagne, ballpoint, Holder Ring, fortune, book pozhelanich, money box, candles, tortillas, žartier etc..

This cost varies from average 300 to 800 Levs.

Kumska cake and chicken from 40 to 80 Levs.

  1. Wedding invitations
    The good thing is the calls, that for 100 Guest average shall prepare just about 60 invite, as part of your guests are couples and families here and the price varies by type, material and workmanship with stamp 1 to 5 Levs.
  2. Gifts for guests

In gifts for 100 Guest average should consider for each you want to have a little present or a family, as part of your guests are couples and families here and the price varies by type, material and workmanship of 1 to 4 Levs.

  1. Decoration car

The price varies according to the volume and types of flowers, and that will be artificial or natural of 20 to 150 Levs.

  1. Wedding photography
    Average range of 600 to 1500 Levs. Wedding photographers are separated into three price levels. Wedding photographers in the affordable class shoot prices up 600 Levs. Photographers in the average range 600 to 1000 Levs, and the high price range of 1000 lev up. These are the prices for the complete recording of the wedding 1 photographer with the possible assistant 10 o'clock. additional hours (overtime) vary between 50 and 150 Levs, photobooks and albums are priced from 150 to 400 lev for a number, Second photographer extra cost by between 300 and 1000 Levs. The number of frames and how treatment, depend entirely on the photographer.
  2. video (Popular prices between 700 and 1800 Levs)
    There are two types of video. One type is a professional video acquisition from video 600 to 1000 Levs, which is not preferable especially mladoventsite. More expensive, but much better quality is shooting with professional camera (DSLR, SLT) or a video camera with a large matrix of 900 to 2000 lev and up. Filming is 1 The implantation with optionally Assist 10 o'clock, as the finished product depends entirely on the operator. Standard enters in installation and sound, wedding video, etc.. additional hours (overtime) vary between 50 and 150 Levs, shtori operator is charged extra and again range from 300 to 1000 Levs, Additional paid and use of drone, similar features are steadicam (further stabilization of the camera), the use of the crane, additional lighting, dolly (Slider Camera), specific audiomikrofoni and other.
  3. wedding DJ

Prices for popular and best wedding DJ vary between 450 to 1000 lev for 5 o'clock. The price includes all necessary equipment and conducting wedding. Of course weddings usually last more than hours and should be paid extra (overtime), which ranges from 50 to 150 lev per hour.

  1. professional lighting

Professional lighting also requires the presence of man, which manes on, and the price is determined by kolochestvoto of 300 to 1500 lev and up.

  1. Marriage and Ritual house

Prices range from 50 to 200 lev marriage

  1. religious marriage

Prices are from 50 to 500 lev for Church.

  1. Documents and Studies

Relatively but not exceeding 100 Levs.

  1. Professional makeup and hairstyle official.

Prices range from professionals in 50 to 120 lev makeup and 30 to 100 lev for haircut.

  1. Bulyuinska dress

Wedding dresses vary greatly, but average 800 to 3000 lev with accessories.

  1. Formal suit

suit 200 to 2000 lev with accessories.

  1. Dresses for bridesmaids

Bridesmaids - dresses are yairok range but average 50 to 300 Levs.

  1. rings

It depends on the weight and quality of the material on average 200 to 2000 Levs.

  1. Folklore and orchestra programs for decommissioning

Vary depending on the number and the aq program 150 to 500 lev and up.