What bouquet to choose for your wedding day?
The wedding is the most important day in the life, why should not compromise with any component, associated with this holiday.
When organizing your wedding day you have the task to choose a restaurant, photographer, DJ, wedding dress and accessories. The wedding bouquet is also part of those details, which is good to anticipate in time, because it is the little things that contribute to the overall atmosphere of your wedding.
Here are some ideas for wedding bouquets, to inspire you!
1. Cascading bridal bouquet.
This is a bouquet, which descends from the hands of the bride and emphasizes her beauty. It plays the role of a strong accent and it is better not to combine it with too lavish dress. Beautiful flowers, which you can include, are orchids and descending spectacular leaves.
Wedding decoration
2. Bouquet of fresh flowers.
You can include different flowers in a beautiful combination and form a complete composition. Usually this type of bridal bouquets have a rounded shape, and the lower part of the stems is almost always tied with a ribbon.
3. Round bridal bouquet.
This is the most common choice of the bride. The classic bouquet has a round shape, resembling a dome. Usually flowers of one species are selected - for example roses, peonies, etc.. They are most often in one color, although the colorful arrangement would be beautiful and impressive.
4. Bridal bouquet pompom type.
It has a perfect round shape, made up of many flowers. A ribbon is also added, which easily holds the bouquet, without damaging the colors. An interesting solution is to make several bouquets of this type and give them to the bridesmaids, to complement the overall concept. This is a very suitable option, if you are planning a sea wedding or just want a bridal bouquet, which is comfortable to wear.
5. Hand tied flowers.
The ideal solution for a rustic wedding or bohemian wedding is the bridal bouquet, which is "hand-tied" flowers. The free composition allows you to add different flowers and greenery and creates a feeling of freshness and sincerity.. The stems of the plants can be attached with a small ribbon or hemp. The main idea is to make this bridal bouquet look natural, it doesn't have to be in perfect shape, such as round bouquets.
Be sure to pay attention to the smallest details of your wedding! Only then will you create that feeling of love, beauty and fullness, which every wedding day must radiate.